Photo Gallery of The Event
〔The 10 Anniversary Memorial Sympodium in Mongol〕Oct. 3rd
This is the The 10 Anniversary Memorial Sympodium of Shine Mongol High School in Mongol. Many foreign researchers, from Japan, Russia, Turkey, China and UK, presented in this sympodium and discussed with Mongolian researchers and teachers.

〔The 10 Anniversary Memorial Event〕Oct. 5th
This memorial event was held in The Cantral Hall of Mongolia just near Sükhbaatar Squair in Ulanbaator. The shows, that the students of Shin Mongol School, from elementary to high school, were really great!

〔The 10 Anniversary Memorial Event in Sendai〕July 31st
〔Before The Event〕

〔On The Stage〕

〔Back Stages〕
Many volunteer staffs supported the event. Please remember their works!

〔After Event Party〕
More than 250 guests, 150 alumnae and alumni, high school students and teachers of the high school, and 30 Japanese volunteer students meet at the restrant hall.