Spring has come to Sendai in the same way top the ordinary years.
This Photos show "Hitome-Senbon-Sakura street" located in the south of Sendai.
The meaning of the street is "Thousands Trees of Cherry at A Glance."
In the ordinary years, many people come to see the cherry trees.
And enjoy the party under the trees.
But no people, in this year.(Middle of April)
Sendai City, include many of my friends and I got damaged.
However, many people cooperate each other
and Sendai City is now restored so rapidly.
【Sendai City】(In Late March)

But Coast Side and Railway Lines were terrible. Now I coopelate with others and present a volunteer action to send Stationery and Cloths to Four Schools,
which locate in Coast Side Area and got damaged.
P.T.A.(Parent-Teacher Association, I am the president) in Yagiyama District, Sendai
members work together and make contributions (include clothes and stationery)
for the 4 schools in coast side of Sendai city, which were gotten sirious damage.
Many community citizens, include young people, work together.
* * * * * * Pictures in The Campus and The City * * * * * *










