Birth:Dec. 14th, 1966
〔My Major〕
Curriculum Studies, Social Studies, Citizenship Education
Associate Professor/Curriculum Studies
〔My Interest〕
School and education have changed the roles and functions to reflect world globalization from the late 1980's. How should one reconstruct our schools and education system which are based on Multiculticulturalism and Pluralism?
Currently, I focus on UK Citizenship and Global education and seek the new orient of Japanese schools and education. I also desire to develop the units and tests of Social studies in cooperation with Japanese school teachers. I believe that this type of new education can be consistent with daily school practices for examinations.
〔More Details〕
- Curriculum Vitae(Academic and Professional Career/ Degree/Academic Societies)
- My Lectures
- Works
- Students' Dissertations(Students' Undergraduate and Graduate Theses/Dissertations)
- Students' Works(Academic Papers/Presentations)