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Academic Papers and English Proceedings

  1. Kazuya TANIGUCHI, 'History, Geography and Citizenship Education,' (6th CitzED International Conference), University of St Andrews, UK, The Proceedings of the International Conference, 2010. (in press).
  2. Kenichi NAGATA and Kazuya TANIGUCHI(JPN)(DOM), 'A Study of the Learning Method to Develop the Performance for Conflict Solution: Through Analyzing the Program "Conflict in Context," (Under Review) .
  3. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2010)(JPN), ''Plural Citizenship and Inclusive Citizenship in Global Education Through Analyzing the Argument over Constructing Citizenship Education in UK,' Japanese Global Education Association "Global Kyoiku (Global Education),"vol.12 pp.2-17.
  4. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2009)(MON), ‘Японы кирикюлумын шиншэчлэийн чиг хандлага(Challenges of Shift to 12 Year Schooling)’, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia, The Proceedings of the International Conference.
  5. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2009)(ENG), "Social Participation" in Real Japanese JHS Practices.[Globalizing Citizenship Education: Ambitions and Realities (5th citizED International Conference), in The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China, The Proceedings of the International Conference.
  6. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2008)(ENG), ‘The Concept of Pluralistic Society in Asian Society,’ 4th International Conference on Citizenship and Teacher Education, Kings Collage, Cambrige, UK., The Proceedings of the International Conference.
  7. Kazuya TANIGUCHI and Yoshikazu OGAWA(2008)(JPN), 'A Report on Forming a Teachers' Network through Workshop Seminars on Developmental Education,' Educational Network Center, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, "The Bulletin of Education Network Center"vol.8, Japan, pp.■.
  8. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2007)(ENG), ‘Citizenship Education in Japan,’ (3rd International Journal of Citizenship and Teacher Education) , The University of Sydney、The Proceedings of the International Conference, 2007.
  9. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2007)(JPN), 'Analyzing the History and the New Direction of the Social Studies Post-World War 2 Japan: The Contention of the Articles in The Journal of Social Studies No.61-80' Japanese Association for the Social Studies, "The Journal of Social Studies" No.100, pp.28-35.
  10. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2007)(MON), 'Японы Бага дунд Бодовсродын тадаарх тθрийн боллого(Recent Movements in the Educational Policy for Primary and Secondary Schools in Japan)'Ulaanbaatar City Education Board and International Curriculum Symposium Executive Committee, The Brief Report for the International Conference, The Proceedings of the International Conference.The Proceedings of the International Conference, 2007, pp. 7-11.
  11. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2007)(ENG), ‘Issues with Forming the Consensus of Citizenship Education in Japan, 3rd International Conference on Citizenship and Teacher Education, Oriel Collage, Oxford, UK, The Proceedings of the International Conference..
  12. Kazuya Taniguchi, ‘Gender and Citizenship Education in Japan-Gender perspectives in Japanese Textbooks for Junior High Schools, University of Toronto、The Proceedings of the International Conference, 2005.
  13. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2005)(JPN), 'The Curriculum Theory of History Based on a Rational Decision Making Approach: In the Case of "United States History Focus on Economics" Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University "The Annual Report of the Graduate School of Education Tohoku University", vol. 53(2), pp.149-162.
  14. Kumiko IKUTA, Nobuhiro NAKAJIMA, Katsuro KITAMURA, Kazuya TANIGUCHI and Yoshihumi SHIMIZU (2005)(JPN), 'Learning, Schools and The Regeneration Program of Local Community Through Succession of Tradition' Educational Network Center, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, "The Bulletin of Education Network Center"vol.8, Japan, pp.89-98.
  15. Kazuya TANIGUCHI and Yoriko HASHIZAKI(2004)(JPN),  'A Study of Citizenship in Global Education Based on Pavallelistic Public Good Through the Case of Beyond Boundaries: Law in a Global Age,' Education in the Social Studies Department Research Association Japan, "Shakai-kei Kyoka Kyoiku Gaku Kenkyu (Journal of Research Education in Social Studies Department Contents)"vol.16, pp.113-20.
  16. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(2003)(JPN), 'The Development of the E-Learning System: The Case of Digitalized Lecture Development in the Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University,' Education Network Center, Faculty of Education, Tohoku University, "The Bulletin of Education Network Center,"vol.3, pp.14-24.
  17. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1999)(JPN), 'The Necessity of Disputable Teaching Materials and the Suggestion of Controlled Discussion in the Classroom,' The Attached Primary School of Hiroshima University, "Gakko Kyoiku (School Education),"(The Oct. Issue, 1999), pp.
  18. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1998)(JPN), 'The Social Studies Curriculum Before the Formal Formation of the Social Studies in 1930s Japan: In the Case of 'Integrated Studies' of Fuji Premary School,' Education in the Social Studies Department Research Association Japan, "Shakai-kei Kyoka Kyoiku Gaku Kenkyu (journal of research Education in Social Studies Department Contents)"vol.10, pp.21-28.
  19. Kazuya TANIGUCHI and Yoetsu ONISHI(1998)(JPN), 'The Development of Environmental Education Based on Cross-Curriculum Theory (1): The Application of Cirriculum Organization of The National Curriculum in England and Wales' Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practice, Iwate University, "The Bulletin of Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practice", vol.8, pp.65-79.
  20. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1998)(JPN), `History Education and its Relation to Social Studies' : The Theory of the Social Studies Described in Present Textbooks,' Social Studies Teacher Education Course, Iwate University, "The Annual Report of Social Studies Teacher Education Course, Iwate University", vol.4, pp.73-80.
  21. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1997)(JPN), The Social Studies Curriculum Before the Formal Formation of the Social Studies in 1930's Japan: Tokuji YAMASHITA's Idea of the Social Studies,' The Faculty of Education, Iwate University, "The Annual Report of the Faculty of Education, Iwate University", vol.57-2, pp.73-86.
  22. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1996)(JPN), 'The Complete Works of Civics Post-World War 2 Japan (2),' Japan Educational Research Association for the Social Studies "Shakaika Kyoiku Ronso(Bulletin of Japan Social Studies Research Association)"vol.43 pp.90-99.
  23. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1995)(JPN), 'The Development of Kyodo-kyoiku (Local Community Investigation) Curriculum of the Social Studies in 1930s Japan (2): In the Case of the Subject 'Kyodo-ka (Local Community)' in The Attached Primary School of the Aichi First Normal School,' Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, "Kyoiku Gakubu Kiyo(The Bulletin of Faculty of Education)," vol.43, pp.51-61.
  24. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1995)(JPN), 'The Four Theorical Types of the Social Studies Prior to the Formal Formation of the Social Studies in 1930s Japan by Means of Comparing and Analyzing Traffic Communication', Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies, "Shakaika Kenkyu (Journal of Educational Research on Social Studies),"vol.43 pp.21-30.
  25. Soji KATAKAMI, Norio IKENO, Takenori INOSE, Seiji OKAZAKI, Toshihiro OKADA, Kenji OKUYAMA Kazuo HIROSAWA and Takanori HUJIWARA (assisstants)Kazuya TANIGUCHI, Kazuhiro MIZOGUCHI, Kazuyo OHYA, Yumi KITA, Nobuyuki KITAJIMA, Satoshi TERAI, Masao HIGUCHI and Hideto NURAKI 'The Development of the Open-Ended Social Studies (4): Developing the Unit 'Foreign Workers Issue',' The Collaborative Research Project Between the Graduate School of Education and The Attached Schools ,Hiroshima University, "The Annual Report of the Collaborative Research Project Between the Graduate School of Education and the Attached Schools ,Hiroshima University", vol.22, pp.91-100.
  26. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1994)(JPN), 'The Development of "Kyodo-kyoiku (Local Community Investigation)" Curriculum of the Social Studies in 1930s Japan: In the Case of the Curriculum Plan of 'Kyodo-kyoiku-Katei (The Curriculum Plan of "Local Community")' in The Attached Primary School of the Tokushima Normal School' Hiroshima Daigaku Kyoka Kyoiku Gakkai (Hiroshima University Curriculum Research and Development Association), "Kyoka Kyoikugaku Kenkyu (The Bulletin of Hiroshima University Curriculum Research and Development Association)", vol9, pp.27-37.
  27. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1993)(JPN), 'The Development of the Open-Ended Social Studies 'Modern Society' (3): In the Case of The Unit 'Issues Among the Deregulation of Rice Trade' and Students' Thinking' Education in the Social Studies Department Research Association Japan, "Shakai-kei Kyoka Kyoiku Gaku Kenkyu (Journal of Research Education in Social Studies Department Contents)"vol.5, pp.49-53.
  28. Kazuya TANIGUCHI and Soji KATAKAMI(1993)(JPN), 'The Complete Works of Civics Post-World War 2 Japan (1)' Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies "Shakaika Kyoiku Ronso(Bulletin of Japan Social Studies Research Association)"vol.40 pp.83-92.
  29. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1993)(JPN), "A Study of Seikatsu Kyoiku Ronso (The Argument Over Life Education) in 1930s Japan: A Focus on its Curriculum Theories," The Chugoku-Shikoku Society for the Study of Education, "Annals of Educational Research,"vol.38-2, pp.159-164.
  30. Soji KATAKAMI, Norio IKENO,Takenori INOSE, Seji OKAZAKI, Toshihiro OKADA, Kenji OKUYAMA, Kazuo HIROSAWA and Takanori FUJIWARA,(assisstants) Hidetada OKAMYO, Kazuya TANIGUCHI, Hiroshi SAKO, Kenichiro NAKAJIMA and Hiroki YUKAWA (1993)(JPN), 'The Development of the Open-Ended Social Studies 'Modern Society' (3): The Development of The Unit 'Issues Among the Deregulation of Rice Trade',' The Collaborative Research Project Between the Graduate School of Education and The Attached Schools ,Hiroshima University, "The Annual Report of the Collaborative Research Project Between the Graduate School of Education and the Attached Schools ,Hiroshima University", vol.21, pp.95-107.
  31. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1992)(JPN), 'The Theory and Limitations of the Social Studies as "Tsuzuri-kata (Free Composition)"based on Children's Investigation,' "Japan Social Studies Research Association," vol.40, pp.63-72.
  32. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1992)(JPN), 'The Learning Method of the Social Studies as 'Tsuzuri-kata (Free Composition)' based on Children's Investigation: Mitita SUZUKI's Practice of ''Ronbun-Gakushu (Making Reports)' The Chugoku-Shikoku Society for the Study of Education, "Annals of Educational Research,"vol.37-2, pp.210-215.
  33. Kazuya TANIGUCHI(1991)(JPN), 'The Theory of the Social Studies as 'Tsuzuri-kata (Free Composition)' based on Children's Investigation: In the Case of Toshitaro MURAYAMA's Practice,' The Chugoku-Shikoku Society for the Study of Education, "Annals of Educational Research,"vol.36-2, pp.199-204.
  34. Takaaki MORIWAKE, Izumi IKAWA, Kenji OKUYAMA, Yoshiharu TODA and Kazuo HIROSAWA, (assisstant) Tetsuo OMOTO, Hidetada OKAMYO, Yasumitsu OBARA, Takashi ISHIDA, Kazuya TANIGUCHI, Kazuhiro MIZOGUCHI, Kyoko MORIKAWA and Kotaro YOSHIMURA(1990)(JPN), 'The Development of the Social Studies Program for Secondary Schools: The Unit of World History 'The Modern World-System',' The Collaborative Research Project Between the Graduate School of Education and The Attached Schools ,Hiroshima University, "The Annual Report of the Collaborative Research Project Between the Graduate School of Education and the Attached Schools ,Hiroshima University", vol.18, pp.43-53.

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