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For International Students

Education Building

Tohoku University and our Graduate School of Education welcome all International students! Currently, our research laboratory has students from Mongolia and will soon be welcoming a new student from China. In the past, we have also had students from both Korea and England.

*Note: The following information is not official. Therefore, I cannot be held responsible if the information is invalid. Students should verify any information with the Office of Graduate School of Education, TOHOKU University.


 Prior to entering the Graduate School of Education, prospective students are required to take three examinations in Japanese.

  1. Japanese Writing
  2. Technical Knowledge
  3. Japanese Oral Examination

 Technical Examinations are required by each major course. Students who wish to enter the Taniguchi laboratory should take the technical examination on the Learning and Instruction course. Those with prior experience in a professional, related career (for example, an Associate Professor) may skip this examination.
  The Japanese Oral examination is also required by each major course. During the examination, faculty members of our Learning and Instruction Course will interview the prospective student about their reason for choosing our Graduate School, their researching plans, etc. The time of the examination will be around 30 minutes.
The entrance examinations for the Graduate School of Education will be held twice a year: the end of September and the end of January. The school year will begin in April for those who pass the examination.
  Previous examinations are available at the office of Students Section, Graduate School of Education. The prospective student may borrow past examinations for a short period of time and make a photocopy themselves; however, the Students Section is unable to photocopy and mail them upon request.

[Research Students]

 I recommend that students who wish to become a graduate student in our laboratory first enroll as a research student in the Undergraduate School of Education. These students will have an opportunity to receive training on the academic fundamentals of our research laboratory and also become aware of the different academic structure for several graduate departments. Research students may attend our lectures, use the university facilities and also have the chance to be supervised by a faculty member.
  Students who wish to become a Research Student are not required to take any entrance examination. However, one should be aware that becoming a Research Student does not necessarily mean becoming a Graduate Student. If the student wishes to become a Graduate student at a later time, regardless of being a Research student in our research laboratory, the entrance examination above (See ‘Examination’) must still be taken.
  For more information on becoming a research student, please view The Graduate School of Education’s website:
  For those who wish to enroll in the Learning and Instruction Course, three requirements must first be met:

  1. Pass the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU), JASSO.
  2. Have graduated from university, or plan on graduating prior to entrance.
  3. Is at least 22 years old with 16 years of schooling and a university career.

The process of applying to become a Research Student is below:

  1. Contact the Student Affairs Section in our Graduate School of Education.
  2. I (TANIGUCHI) will contact you by e-mail and ask about your aim and research plans, as well as your “Curriculum Vitae” and ”Research Outcome.”
  3. When we reach an agreement, I will propose your entrance to the meeting of the Learning and Instruction Course.
  4. A faculty member will assess your entrance qualifications and research performance.
  5. You can send documents for application (without my signature), the application fee, etc.
  6. Student Affairs Section will ask me if I accept your application.
  7. I will sign your document.(Students who have reached this step will most likely pass)
  8. Meeting of the Students Affairs Committee in our Graduate School will check your document.
  9. A faculty meeting will permit your entrance formally.
  10. You should deposit the tuition fee before the deadline; otherwise, your entrance will be cancelled.

[MA course]

  In our Graduate School of Education, the first 2 years of the Doctoral Course has the formal name of an ordinary MA course. MA students should obtain 22 credits from lectures and seminars, obtain 8 credits by annual report of 1st grade and complete their Masters Thesis to meet the academic requirements for graduation.
  MA students are supervised by two faculty members: a main supervisor and a sub-supervisor. Students will also be educated through individual and group tutorials.
  There will be several rooms provided in the Graduate School of Education building which are furnished and include PCs with Internet. The contents of the rooms differ depending on the course taken.
  MA students are finally required to write and present a Master Thesis in order to obtain their MA Degree in Education.

[Doctoral course]

This means the final 3 years of Doctoral Course is formal. All MA students who wish to study in our Doctoral course should first pass the entrance examination which consists of three various examinations:

  1. Japanese Technical Language
  2. Technical Knowledge
  3. Oral Examination

All tests are specialized for each major research course. International students should pass the language test in Japanese. The contents of this test will revolve around related academic areas.
  Students who have more than 2 year’s professional experience in a related career are eligible to take the special examination. Those who wish to try this examination should submit their academic works in advance so that our faculty members may use them during the Oral examination. These works include academic papers, publications, and research plans.
  This special examination is NOT a simple way to enter the Doctoral program, as the targets of this examination are professional researchers and those who have a sufficient amount of academic works and working experience. My graduate students who took this exceptional examination are now associate professors of other universities.
  Doctoral students are able to attend regular lectures and seminars. However, it is not a necessity for Doctoral students to obtain credits through these lectures and seminars. The Annual Research Papers (DC1 and DC2) and Doctoral dissertation are the only required works for Doctoral students. Annual Research Papers should be presented during the public meeting in our Graduate School. In addition, the minimum requirement to satisfy the qualifications of Doctoral dissertation submission is that the student should have works from 3 or more academic papers.
  Doctoral students are supervised by two faculty members: a main supervisor and a sub supervisor. But after getting PhD candidate, 4-5 faculty members, including members from other universities, will supervise the Doctoral student you and you will get the degree of PhD (Education).
  Students should be aware that 3 years doctoral course is not enough to get PhD, especially humanities and social sciences, in Japan. We will aim to supervise you. However, please understand that it is not necessarily easy to obtain a PhD in Japan within the standard duration of a Doctoral program.

[Scholarship and Housing]

Scholarship, housing and other information about studying at TOHOKU University is available at the homepage for The Center of International Exchange, TOHOKU University.
  Information regarding Life in Sendai is available at Sendai International Center’s website

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